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Women's Health   

Canberra Travelling Workshop | Obstetrics | 2 Dec 23

  02 Dec 2023  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM        5.00 CPD Points.

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This workshop will focus on advanced obstetric ultrasound topics that general sonographers can use to extend their knowledge and skills,
showing some interesting things seen in a maternal fetal medicine department.

Session 1

9.00-10.00 Assessment of monochorionic twin pregnancy

10.00-10.30 Multiple pregnancy live scanning

Session 2

10.45-11.45 Advanced fetal heart

11.45-12.15 Advanced fetal heart live scanning

Session 3

13.00-14.00 interactive session - Interesting MFM cases and fetal anomalies

14.30-15.00 Ultrasound assessment in the setting of congenital fetal infections


Erika Cavanagh, FASA
Senior Sonographer | Mater Centre For Maternal Fetal Medicine

Erika Cavanagh is a senior sonographer at the Mater Centre for Maternal Fetal Medicine in Brisbane, Queensland. She has been a sonographer for 20 years, graduating from the Queensland University of Technology in 2003.
For the last 8 years she has specialised in tertiary level obstetric ultrasound. Her areas of expertise in obstetric ultrasound include placental dysfunction and fetal growth restriction, fetal echocardiography, and multiple pregnancy assessment.
She is currently undertaking a PhD exploring the relationship between placental imaging and function in fetal growth restriction.
She maintains a keen interest in sonographer education, having presented on various topics at ASA conferences, and working as a sessional lecturer at Queensland University of Technology.

Partners and Supporters


Canberra Hospital - Main Auditorium (ACTH-TCH-Auditorium (B2-L2-135S)) Yamba Drive, Garran ACT 2605

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Contact Information

ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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