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Medicare requirements (Australia)

In Australia, the rules for Medicare are set in legislation and subordinate regulations. The Diagnostic Imaging Services Table (DIST) is the significant instrument for diagnostic imaging. This is interpreted and applied via the Medicare Benefits Schedule, available online at mbsonline.gov.au

Key Medicare Benefits Schedule Notes that are relevant to sonographers include:

  • IN.0.6 – Requests for R-type Diagnostic Imaging Services
    Which provide instruction and the minimum requirements of a diagnostic imaging referral request
  • IN.0.7 – Maintaining Records of Diagnostic Imaging Services
    Which specifies that “where the service is performed on behalf of a medical practitioner, the report must record the name of the sonographer.”
  • IN.0.13 – Ultrasound
    Outlining all the broader conditions that apply for Medicare-funded ultrasound services

Further information on Medicare rules and conditions can be obtained by contacting the Services Australia, Provider Liaison Section, by phone on 132 150. See also the Medicare Education guide - Medicare ultrasound services

Other items of interest
Our platinum partners
Canon Medical
GE Healthcare
Siemens Healthineers

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